We’re packing the stage with three choirs, two soloists and more than 100 outstanding musicians for our biggest and boldest concert ever – Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 2. “Our 20th anniversary is a huge cause for celebration,” Scott Speck, music director, says, “so we have programmed – for the first time in our history – the immense and powerful Resurrection Symphony.”

The USA Concert Choir is the largest choral ensemble on the USA campus, performing a wide range of repertoire from the 16th through the 21st centuries. The choir performs two concerts per semester, on campus and in the community. Recent performances of the Concert Choir on campus have included Fauré’s Requiem (2009), Pinkham’s Christmas Cantata, and Mozart’s Requiem. The choir has also performed regularly with the Mobile Symphony – Holiday Pops (2010), Beethoven Symphony No. 9 (2011 & 2017), Orff’s Carmina Burana (2012), and Prokofiev’s Alexander Nevsky (2013). The USA Concert Choir is directed by Dr. Laura Moore.

Mobile Opera, located on the Gulf Coast of Alabama, is one of the oldest performing arts organizations in the United States, as well as the oldest in the State of Alabama, having been founded as the “Mobile Opera Guild” in 1945. Under its founder, Madame Rose Palmai-Tenser, a European concert artist from Czechoslovakia, two performances were presented in April 1946. As its General Director, Mrs. Tenser continued to lead the company until her death in 1971. Under General Director, Scott Wright, Mobile Opera continues its commitment to quality productions and education. In addition to main-stage productions, programs of opera excerpts are presented in schools and community venues throughout the region, establishing the company’s long-standing commitment to arts education in the schools and communities of Alabama and the Gulf Coast.

Eastern Shore Choral Society is dedicated to presenting programs of high quality vocal music for public
entertainment and personal enrichment. They strive to promote greater appreciation and enjoyment of good music, both classical and modern, by the citizens in and around Baldwin County. Joining with other such organizations to provide programs of educational or cultural benefit, ESCS is able to support middle and high school choral programs in Baldwin County Schools with financial contributions.